PACABAMBAS Fotoshooting – The three lagoons
Written by Jorien Timbers
To make the pictures for PACABAMBA we decided to have a little road trip with our friends! We went to the three lakes up in the mountains about one hour driving from Pisac. And as it is still corona time and therefore very difficult to travel around, we where all so exited to have a little trip!
The way up was not very easy for my camper but we made it! We arrived at the first lake where we found a boat and asked the locals if we could use it for a bit! ‘Normál’ they answered with their very Peruvian accent, which here in Peru means ‘oké’. We jumped in the boat and where able to make some beautiful pictures!

At midnight we decided to go to ‘bed’. Tina and me slept in the car, Helena, Omar and Kevin diehard in their tent! And Amelie and Christian in my camper (by far the warmest place of all…) I think I haven’t slept more than one or two hours in total and so didn’t the others… It was freezing cold! But we all concluded the next day that it was more than worth the beautiful experience. The next day we had breakfast and walked around a bit while Tina made pictures. We met a nice man that was taking his alpacas and llamas for a walk and he played us a song on the ‘Quena’, a typical instrument of the Andes, that they use a lot in Peru!
Picture Mann mit Flöte
After lunch we went back home, tired but o so satisfied from this great little adventure! We never reached the third lake, I think just on purpose to have a good reason to come back soon and repeat the adventure!
Amelie is from Canada and got stuck in Pisac during quarantine. She is yoga teacher and now that she can’t travel to Brazil, which was her original plan, she will start to give yoga-classes here in Pisac.
Helena, Omar and Kevin
Where traveling all by them selves en met each other in Bolivia before the quarantine, they travelled together for a while until they got stuck in quarantine in Urubamba, Since a few weeks they knocked on the door of Tina and Daniel asking if they had work for them. It turned out the three of them had a lot of talents and that’s where their cooperation with PACABAMBA started!
He is part of the core-team together with Tina and Daniel. He is Peruvian and lives with his wife and kids in Pisac. He started working with Tina and Daniel for PACABAMBA since March 2020.
yes that’s me. I met Tina and Daniel and their kids a few years ago during my travels, they where travelling in their beautiful camper and I was backpacking. It turned out that they had a lot of shared interests. They where living zero waste just like me. With my project ‘Eco Bus America’, I travel in my camper through South-America to give talks and workshops about plastic pollution. I got stuck in Cusco on a camping during quarantine and after the strict lockdown I came down to Pisac to help them with all their nice projects until I can go on with my own project!
Tina together with her husband Daniel are the founders of PACABAMBA. They started a big trip in their camper with their three kids and ended up in Pisac where they decided to start a life and a 100% sustainable brand called PACABAMBA!